
Your Licensed Clinical Social Worker Corporation in Long Beach

Based in Long Beach, California, Lean In Therapy is all about personalized support tailored to your unique journey. Whether you're navigating trauma, grief, anxiety, or other challenges, the assistance you receive is crafted to meet your specific needs.
Healing is a holistic process, considering the ...

BIPOC-Focused Mental Health Services

Life comes with its challenges, and at Lean In, I recognize the specific hurdles that BIPOC individuals may face. Whether it's navigating difficult experiences, processing grief, managing stress, or confronting discrimination, my services are crafted with your unique needs in mind.
A key aspect of my approach is ...

Embracing the Wisdom of the Body

I am driven by a deep conviction in the inherent connection between our bodies and our experiences. I firmly believe that our bodies serve as profound repositories of our lived journeys, echoing the scores of our life stories.
In my therapeutic practice, this belief translates into a holistic approach that ...